Wednesday 12 December 2012

Week 12 - Game Design & Plan

This is our final development week for 1st half of game development and the last blog entry of this year. Expecting the game development will be continued over the Christmas and New Year breaks. Blogs won't be updated weekly until we begin the second half of the game development which is in January 2nd week.

Today was our team's final presentation. We forced our self to be the first team to do the presentation even though none of us have proper rehearsal. We did managed to deliver it in 20 minutes time slot in such an awful manner also couldn't time to speech the final bit which is the "Future of the game" but at least John is happy on the fact that our prototype is working and it is plenty enough to get a clear concept of the game. Each team individual, especially me, faced the lack of confidence and nervousness. Still we managed to get a nice round of applause for our bravery to do the presentation first. Compared to ours the other two team's presentation was brilliant as they never faced any difficulties that we faced and i think they got the confidence from our brave attempt ;) After all group's presentation we had a chat with John and he congratulated us for doing it first also advised us how to do it more precisely on next time. 

Phewww thanks god that's the end of a tight module. See you in January for the 2nd half.
Wish you all a Happy Christmas :)

From Tuesday (11/12/2012)

I met the team in flash lab afternoon to prepare for the presentation.Andy and Stephen already made a slide note for me based on what i should speak. It's not a biggie talk but felt some fear because i am doing the opening talk. I guess i can do it but let's see in action tomorrow.

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