Wednesday 14 November 2012

Week 8 - Game Design & Plan

Today we have no class/meeting with John or Group. Couple of my group mates and John went to Dundee to attend an Enterprising Youth Conference. I didn't went due to some personal matters so i don't know yet what's all about the conference, but i assumed that it was interesting when i gone through one of my colleagues blog. I will definitely try to know more about the conference in detail once i see my group next week. Still i wish i was there :(

Since last week i didn't made any contact with any of the group members. During the week days i concentrated more on the other module assessments as I know it is the best time for it since we are all having a short temporary break (I mean no class this week). As i agreed last week, i have developed the full shot image for our hero in Photoshop. I also tried to draw out some additional images for the project i.e. weapons, communication interfaces, enemies, but none of them are at the completion. I am thinking of adding those images to my blog next week after a final validation with my group.

On our team website i see the changes in project name “Late Panda” and logo as per out decision last week to alter the project information to attract and get support from more people. A rapid increase in fan database along with a fair amount of followers noticed since we renamed our project :)

That’s all from this week and looking forward to meet up the team next week ;)

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