Hello Again :)
I am back after a terrifying winter holidays, as I was working full time. So I didn't enjoyed even the word, so called "HOLIDAYS"! The good news is, we mange to pass the 1st trimester module with a high B1 that is a 69.2/100. Honestly that was really disappointing, because, I and Andy lost an A grade just by 0.8%. Any ways, I am happy with my score and looking forward to score better in this trimester. The reason we scored a bit low mark was our presentation attempt. That was a terrible performance completely, and a hilarious moment occurred when I forgot the name of my team member during the acknowledgement. LOL
By the way, we started our second session of our Game Project called, "Creating Game" by scheduling a group meeting with DR. John. He spoke about his holidays, but soon drifted the topic in to course work. He explained the assessment components, marking scheme for each , and the expected deadline for each task. So far he is happy with our effort and outcome, but this time, he is expecting a great start from the beginning itself. He asked us to complete a Quality Assurance and Roll Out Plan report for the next week, which worth 10% mark of the total. This report is completely new to us, and have no idea how to do it. John gave us a few tips and guidelines about it, but seems like doesn't make sense.
We back in the lab, and discussed our upcoming plans for the project development. QA plan strike in our plans, but still it's unknown, whether the facts - who is going to do it, and how it need to look like.
We declared the day after having no plans for doing the QA and RO plan.