Wednesday 20 February 2013

Week 15 - Creating Game

Since the last week's failed attempt of QA's 1st draft, I personally met John for some guidelines for re writing the QA. This time it gave me more of sense, and it helped me to re write the QA report for today. I checked it with my team members and all they said was, "It should be al right". I think the reason they gave such a feedback, may be they were not sure yet, how a QA plan look like, and I am in that same confused situation.

During the meeting with John, I asked him for a feedback, and he said, "it is better than before". This time, I produced a constructive draft including few charts that describes the way, we are going to approach the players with our game. He also suggested us to update the QA plan if, we make any changes during the further processing.


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