Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Week 3 - Game Design & Plan

We started the class at 10. As usual we done a short presentation on our current progression and it were shorter than last week's so the other teams too. We haven't done much work since last week apart from finalizing the 2nd draft of the report. We have a two week time from today until next meeting with John so each team will have more evidence to share during the presentation. But this will not affect the individual team meeting with him in his office he said.

We met John in his office according to the allocated time, talked about the risk factors, strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Stephen and Andrew said they were made an analysis of 3 similar games earlier the day, which updated in the 2nd draft of the report (GAACA) as well. We told john that our goal is to complete 5 working levels for this game at the end of the year and we could do it if we get the first level working. We are actually decided to do the 1st level itself as a prototype and John showed us his archive of assets, e.g. soundtracks, which we could use as a resource. Still we haven't allocated any tasks for team members and hopefully will sort it by next week. We came back to the lab and Stephen updated the 2nd draft of the report, meanwhile Kieran completed the project plan using Microsoft project. Andy told us that he had set up a real time website called "World of Text" for our group's meeting so we could communicate virtually about the development. I couldn't connect with my team at all because i was working the entire week end :(

We called of the day. We are not having a meeting with john next week so rather than coming next Wednesday we were all decided to meet after Tuesday's flash lecture. When i got spare time during the week i spent more time understanding the HTML5 as i am completely new to it. I think this is a common issue with all the other team members. I used the following sites to learn HTML5 in more depth but i found myself struggling with it ;)

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