Wednesday 24 October 2012

Week 5 - Game Design & Plan

At 10, we started the lecture where all three teams done their game presentation. During our team meeting with John, Andy showed him the Game Audience and Competitor Analysis document and Game Planning document, which he later impressed with the document layout.

The major part of game development begun this week as Andy started the marketing campaign in Facebook, aiming 100+ fans, for whom get the prototype totally free to play upon release. We named our game "Spy Green". Andy and Stephen together started working on the Game Design document. Due to unforeseen circumstances Kieran is no more part of our development team so i decided to help Callum with the level design. During out discussion about prototype, we decided to do a complete working level as a prototype that might appear in our final game.

We then discussed on what everyone doing for next week. We really need some artwork for the game plan so each member decided to create their own interpretation of main character even though i am the lead artist in our group. Also we agreed to do some research on html5 by doing some online tutorials.

We called off today

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