Wednesday 17 October 2012

Week 4 - Game Design & Plan

Today we had a team meeting right after the flash lecture because there is no meeting with John tomorrow as per the original schedule. Andrew created both fan page and group page in Facebook. I found the group page is very useful to get updated by team members also easy enough to clarify any doubts or share any files.

Today we have managed to allocate the tasks which are very important part of the project. Andrew will do the main programming based on Stephens design concepts. Callum and Kieran were asked to work together on the game level designs. Our team need someone who is really good in artwork. I accepted that task due to my previous experience in drawings also i agreed to produce all the assets which needed for the game. I told Andy that i could also help him with the programming, not like a co - programmer but as a learner. I am more than happy because i can produce something for the team. I discussed about the game characters in details with Stephen. This is what i need to produce right so i must know what's in his mind and a list of assets need to be produced based on his design concept.

I dropped the full time work to part time now so just working only 2 days only. Now the pressure is off from me shuffling between work and study. I can spent more time concentrate on studies and for our game too :)

That's all from today ;)

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