Wednesday 31 October 2012

Week 6 - Game Design & Plan

Started the lecture at 10 and all three groups don't have a presentation today on game progress instead John talked about an event in Dundee called "conference in youth enterprising", take place in two weeks time. I manage to produce a hand drawn mugshot image for the main character and second character for our game design document. All my team members were happy with these character images and they said this is more than they could ever try.

Later we look through some websites to find some game sound tracks. We found this website useful and manage to find few sound tracks for the title screen and levels and it is free of use as long it is not for commercial use and attribute his name on our work. 

Mean time Andy and Stephen updated  the game design document. At around 1 PM we met John in his office. He asked what are the current risks affecting our progress but to be honest i would say it's the programming sector as every team members are totally new to html5. Then John chat about the Dundee trip, ticket fares and etc.

We called of the day.

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